New Delhi: Actor Sonam Kapoor’s mother Sunita Kapoor on Tuesday shared some new pictures from her grandson Vayu’s first birthday celebration. Taking to Instagram, Sunita shared a string of pictures which she captioned, “As I grew older I thought the best years of my life were over, but when I held my Vayu in my arms, I realised my best years had just started. Happiest birthday to our biggest blessing.. may god always protect you my angel Love you, love you and love you even more.”
In the first picture, Sunita could be seen sitting on a sofa while holding her grandson. In another picture, Sonam could be seen smiling and holding her 1-year-old baby boy. Sonam looked beautiful as she donned a mustard-coloured suit.
Couple Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja rang in their son Vayu’s first birthday on Sunday in Delhi. The new parents in the town chose to celebrate little one’s birthday in a traditional way. A special puja for Vayu was held at Sonam and Anand’s residence in Delhi.
Taking to Instagram, Sonam shared a string of images from Vayu’s birthday celebrations. Sonam’s parents Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor were also a part of the low-key celebrations. “Our Vayu turned 1 yesterday. We did a lovely puja and lunch with family. Thank you so much to the universe for giving us our blessing. #everydayphenomenal #vayusparents Special thanks to @ranipinklove for making a beautiful themed puja and lunch .. love you Also thank you to @kavitasinghinteriors for the beautiful mandir she’s given us. Best Aunt in the world,” she captioned the post.
All were dressed in ethnic wear. The first image shows Sonam and Anand holding Vayu in their arms during puja. One photo was a family picture where Sonam’s father Anil Kapoor and mother Sunita Kapoor joined Anand’s family members.
Sonam and Anand tied the knot on May 8, 2018, in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony. In March 2022, the couple announced that they were expecting their first child together. Meanwhile, on the work front, Sonam was recently seen in the film ‘Blind’ directed by Shome Makhija and also starring Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, and Lillete Dubey in prominent roles.
The film premiered on the OTT platform Jio Cinema and marked Sonam’s return to acting after a maternity break.
Sonam has signed two new projects as well. Talking about them, Sonam said, “I took two years off as I was pregnant and then wanted to take some time off with my son. Two years are not done yet and I have signed onto two projects – one show and one film that I will start working on. It will release in another year because that is how films work. Then my idea is to do two pieces of content every year, that’s it, not more because I want to spend time with my family as well.”
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