Ahead of Raksha Bandhan, the makers of Gadar 2 team has announced free tickets offer for the audience. Zee Studios took to social media to share the new information along with the poster and wrote in the caption, “Iss Raksha Bandhan, kijiye poore parivaar ke liye kuch khaas! Book Karein tickets under the ongoing offer of Buy 2 Get 2 using the code- GADAR2 (Link in bio) (Book your tickets under buy 2, get 2 offer on this festive season) #Gadar2 in cinemas now.”
As soon this was announced, fans rushed to the comment section to express their excitement and also in addition began predicting the numbers the film would make with this offer. One user said, “Wow. very nice idea adn good offer”. Brother / Sir this time I have noticed a very Good Campaigning & Promotions for Gadar-2 . I expect the same promotion for all ur forth coming Films.” Another said, “ye zabardast kaam kiya…again housefull”.
Gadar 2, starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel in the lead roles, is unstoppable. The movie is currently in its third week and still going strong at the box office. Gadar 2, starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel in the lead roles, is unstoppable. The movie is currently in its third week and still going strong at the box office. After 16 days, the film’s Indian nett collection stands at Rs 439.95 crore with the addition of Rs 13.75 crore . It is sequel to the popular movie Gadar: Ek Prem Katha.
While Sunny reprised his role as the truck driver Tara Singh in Gadar 2, Ameesha Patel as his Pakistani wife Sakeena. The film revolves around Tara Singh who helps his son, Utkarsh Sharma, to cross the border as he was held captive in Pakistan. It is directed by Anil Sharma.
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