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Creating Sweet Memories: The Cake-Mixing Extravaganza For Christmas 2023 Is Here! – News18

This cherished tradition marks the beginning of the Christmas season, celebrating the abundance of the harvest. The cake-mixing brunch will take place in the enchanting K3 Al Fresco setting, starting at 12:30 pm.

Mixing joy and flavour: JW Marriott New Delhi Aerocity to host cake-mixing brunch

Experience the joyful fusion of flavors at JW Marriott New Delhi Aerocity as they host a cake-mixing brunch to welcome the harvest season and kickstart the Christmas festivities. On September 17th, 2023, head to K3, New Delhi’s Food Theatre, where Executive Pastry Chef Sachin Rathor will lead a memorable cake-mixing ceremony filled with exquisite ingredients like rich nuts, luscious dry fruits, premium liquors, and aromatic spices.

Following the cake-mixing ritual, guests can indulge in a delightful brunch that complements the flavors of the ceremony. Expect a wide array of delectable savory and sweet dishes while soothing music sets the perfect ambiance for an elevated experience.

This cherished tradition marks the beginning of the Christmas season, celebrating the abundance of the harvest. The cake-mixing brunch will take place in the enchanting K3 Al Fresco setting, starting at 12:30 pm.

JW Marriott New Delhi’s esteemed guests can immerse themselves in the world of flavours, traditions, and joy. Partake in this unforgettable experience and embrace yourself for a jolly Christmas.

Key Highlights: 

Hotel: JW Marriott New Delhi Aerocity

Location: K3 Al Fresco, JW Marriott New Delhi Aerocity, Asset Area 4, Hospitality District, Near IGI Airport, Aerocity, New Delhi 110037

Date: 17th September 2023

Time: 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Contact Number: +91 9211631901

फोन में अचानक आने लगी तेज बीप-बीप की आवाज, लिखा था ‘Emergency Alert System’.क्या है ये?

Phone Emergency Alert: भारत में कई मोबाइल यूज़र्स को सरकार की ओर से एक इमरजेंसी अलर्ट मिला है. यह देश की नई इमरजेंसी अलर्ट सिस्टम के टेस्टिंग का हिस्सा था, जिसे नेशनल डिजास्टर मैनेजमेंट अथॉरिटी (NDMA) द्वारा भेजा जा रहा है. ये अलर्ट यूज़र को शुक्रवार की सुबह 12 से 1 बजे के बीच मिला है, जब फोन में से तेज बीप की आवाज़ आने लगी. टेस्ट मैसेज पूरे भारत में स्मार्टफोन के एक रेंडम सैंपल पर भेजा गया था.

फोन पर आए फ्लैश मैसेज में ‘ईमरजेंसी अलर्ट’ लिखा था. एनडीएमए इस टेस्टिंग का इस्तेमाल अलर्ट सिस्टम की प्रभावशीलता का आकलन करने और किसी भी संभावित समस्या की पहचान करने के लिए कर रहा है.  जब लोगों को ये बीप-बीप साउंड के साथ अलर्ट मिला तो उन्हें समझ में नहीं आया कि ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है. तो आइए हम आपको विस्तार से बताते हैं.

ये भी पढ़ें- WhatsApp पर किसने किया है आपको ब्लॉक, सेकेंड भर में चलेगा पता, लोग नहीं जानते ये ट्रिक!

फ्लैश मैसेज में लिखा था ‘यह भारत सरकार के दूरसंचार विभाग द्वारा सेल ब्रॉडकास्टिंग सिस्टम के माध्यम से भेजा गया एक सैंपल टेस्टिंग मैसेज है. कृपया इस संदेश पर ध्यान न दें क्योंकि आपकी ओर से किसी कार्रवाई की आवश्यकता नहीं है. यह संदेश नेशनल डिजास्टर मैनेजमेंट द्वारा कार्यान्वित किए जा रहे टेस्ट पैन-इंडिया इमरजेंसी अलर्ट सिस्टम को भेजा गया है. इसका उद्देश्य सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा बढ़ाना और आपात स्थिति के दौरान समय पर अलर्ट प्रदान करना है.’

सरकार ने कहा कि अलर्ट सिस्टम यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि आपातकालीन जानकारी ज़्यादातर लोगों तक समय पर पहुंचे. इसका इस्तेमाल सरकारी एजेंसियों और इमरजेंसी सर्विसेज द्वारा जनता को संभावित खतरों के बारे में सूचित करने के लिए किया जाता है.

ये भी पढ़े-RO के साथ की ये गलती तो जल्दी होगा खराब, सालों साल चलाने के लिए लोग करते हैं ये आसान जुगाड़

पहले भी आ चुके हैं फ्लैश मैसेज
गौरतलब है कि इसी तरह का फ्लैश मैसेज कुछ हफ्ते पहले भी कई यूजर्स को भेजा गया था. दूरसंचार विभाग सेल ब्रॉडकास्टिंग सिस्टम के अनुसार, वे आगे भी विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में समय-समय पर इसी तरह के परीक्षण आयोजित करने की योजना बना रहे हैं, ताकि आने वाले समय इमरजेंसी अलर्ट जैसे सुनामी, अचानक बाढ़, भूकंप आदि जैसे गंभीर मौसम की चेतावनी दी जा सके.

Tags: Mobile Phone, Tech news, Tech news hindi

PM Vishwakarma: कारीगर-शिल्पकारों के लिए वरदान है ये स्कीम, मिलते हैं शानदार बेनिफिट, जानें पूरी बात

Photo:INDIA TV पीएम विश्वकर्मा स्कीम

भारत सरकार ने बीते अगस्त में अपने हाथों और औजारों से काम करने वाले कारीगरों और शिल्पकारों के पेशे को मजबूत करने और बढ़ावा देने के लिए पीएम विश्वकर्मा (PM Vishwakarma)  योजना की शुरुआत की है। यह स्कीम ऐसे लोगों को आर्थिक मदद में सक्षम है। इस स्कीम के तहत 5 प्रतिशत की सस्ती ब्याज दर के साथ 1 लाख रुपये (पहली किस्त) और 2 लाख रुपये (दूसरी किस्त) तक लोन सहायता दी जाती है। बाद में स्किल अपग्रेडेशन, टूलकिट इंसेंटिव, डिजिटल लेन-देन के लिए प्रोत्साहन और मार्केटिंग में मदद की जाएगी।

इन लोगों के लिए है वरदान

पीएम विश्वकर्मा स्कीम (PM Vishwakarma Scheme) के पहले फेज में 18 पारंपरिक कारोबारों को शामिल किया गया है। ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट के मुताबिक, इनमें – बढ़ई (सुथार), नाव बनाने वाला, अस्त्र बनाने वाला, लोहार, हथौड़ा और टूल किट बनाने वाला, ताला बनाने वाला, गोल्डस्मिथ (सुनार), कुम्हार, मूर्तिकार (पत्थर तराशने वाला, पत्थर तोड़ने वाला), मोची (चर्मकार)/जूता कारीगर, मेसन (राजमिस्त्री), टोकरी/चटाई/झाड़ू निर्माता/जूट बुनकर, गुड़िया और खिलौना निर्माता (पारंपरिक), नाई, माला बनाने वाला, धोबी, दर्जी और मछली पकड़ने का जाल बनाने वाला शामिल है। 

स्कीम का बेनिफिट कैसे लें

इस स्कीम (PM Vishwakarma) का बेनिफिट लेने के लिए आप नजदीकी कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर (CSC) की मदद ले सकते हैं। इस स्कीम के तहत रजिस्टर करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको अपना मोबाइल और आधार वेरिफिकेशन कराना होता है। फिर कारीगर रजिस्ट्रेशन फॉर्म (Artisan Registration Form) के लिए अप्लाई करना होता है। अप्लाई करने के बाद पीएम विश्वकर्मा डिजिटल आईडी और सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड करना होता है। अब आप अलग-अलग कम्पोनेंट के लिए अप्लाई कर सकते हैं। इस स्कीम के तहत 5 प्रतिशत की सस्ती ब्याज दर के साथ आप लोन ले सकते हैं। 

ट्रेनिंग भी ले सकते हैं आप

पीएम विश्वकर्मा स्कीम (PM Vishwakarma Scheme) के तहत डिजिटल आईडी और सर्टिफिकेट पाने के बाद आप 5-7 दिनों (40 घंटे) की स्किल डेवलपमेंट की ट्रेनिंग ले सकते हैं। अगर आप चाहें तो 15 दिनों की एडवांस ट्रेनिंग के लिए भी अप्लाई कर सकते हैं। इसमें आपको 500 रुपये हर रोज के हिसाब से स्टाइपंड के रूप में पैसे भी मिलेंगे।  

वित्त वर्ष 2027-28 तक के लिए है स्कीम

ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट के मुताबिक, आर्थिक मामलों की कैबिनेट समिति ने बीते महीने पांच साल की अवधि (वित्त वर्ष 2023-24 से वित्त वर्ष 2027-28) के लिए 13,000 करोड़ रुपये के वित्तीय परिव्यय के साथ इस नई केंद्रीय योजना (PM Vishwakarma Scheme) को मंजूरी दी थी।

Latest Business News

PM Modi Inaugurates Delhi Metro Airport Express Line Extension, Takes Ride To YashoBhoomi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated the extension of the Delhi Airport Metro Express line from Dwarka Sector 21 to a new metro station ‘YashoBhoomi Dwarka Sector 25’.

After the inauguration, he took a ride on the Delhi Metro. Passenger operations on the new extension will begin from 3 pm today. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also officially unveil Phase 1 of the India International Convention and Expo Centre (IICC), known as Yashobhoomi in Dwarka.

Also read: Delhi Traffic Police Issues Advisory Ahead Of IICEC Inauguration By PM Modi Today; Check Routes To Avoid

Meanwhile, the nearly 2-kilometre-long ‘Yashobhoomi line’ of the Delhi Metro will connect Dwarka Sector 21 and India International Convention Centre. Visuals showed PM Modi interacting with the passengers inside the Metro, who also took selfies and wished him a happy birthday.

With the addition of this section, the total length of the Airport Express Line from New Delhi to Yashobhoomi Dwarka Sector-25 will become 24.9 km,” the DMRC said in a statement.

From today the Delhi Metro will also increase the operational speed of Metro trains on Airport Express Line from 90 to 120 km/hr reducing the travel time. The total journey from New Delhi to YashoBhoomi Dwarka Sector 25 will take about 21 minutes.

The Delhi Traffic Police has also put in place several vehicular restrictions in West Delhi, Dwarka and Gurgaon today. Traffic will be affected on the NH-48, in the Punjabi Bagh area, and at UER-II, Peeragarhi, Meera Bagh Road areas. The police said traffic on the route from NH-48 to Normal Dham Nala (UER-II) will be affected all day.

“Commuters are also advised to avoid UER-II (NH-48 to Normal Dham Nala),” an advisory said. Since there will be restrictions in UER-II and Dwarka areas, the police said Dhulsiras Chowk, Dwarka Sector 23 will be open but travel to/from the airport will be affected.

YashoBhoomi centre, built over a sprawling area of more than 70,000 square metres, includes convention rooms and a main auditorium. It also has a grand ballroom that can accomodate over 10000 delegates.

Sunny Deols Delightful Picture With Dharmendra Is All You Need To See Today

Mumbai: Sunny Deol shares a very loving and caring bond with his father and veteran actor Dharmendra. Expressing his affection for his father, Deol posted a picture with him and wrote in the caption, “Love you papa”.

Sunny took to his Instagram handle to share a picture with the 87-year-old actor. In the picture, Dharmendra can be seen wearing a green jacket that he teamed up with a T-shirt and a cap while Deol was spotted in a white shirt and cap.

The ‘Gadar’ actor captioned the picture with a special message for his dad, saying, “Love you papa”. Previously, Sunny’s picture with Dharmendra went viral from the sets of Rajveer Deol-starrer film, ‘Dono’. Talking about Sunny Deol’s presence on the set, Rajveer shared, “Papa was on set with the family on the very first day, in fact, what made my day one on Dono so special was that he gave a clap for my very first shot.”Dono’.

While sharing about the presence of the veteran actor on the sets, he mentioned, “That will be my most cherished memory from this film always. Bade Papa (Dharmendraji) also came to the set, and he came on a day when I was very nervous. I was shooting my most difficult scene that comes before the interval, and he gave me surprise when he just walked in on the set unannounced, his being there gave me great confidence.”

Sunny Deol’s recently released film ‘Gadar 2’ has taken the box office by storm, collecting a whopping Rs 515.03 crore in about a  month. The film has become the second highest-grossing Hindi film and has surpassed the lifetime collection of the Hindi version of Prabhas starrer ‘Baahubali 2’. Helmed by Anil Sharma, ‘Gadar 2′ is a sequel to the hit film which was released in theatres in 2001. In the film, Sunny Deol played the role of Tara, a truck driver, while Ameesha Patel played Sakina in the film that was set during the partition of India in 1947.

‘Gadar 2’ follows Tara Singh as he ventures across the border in a daring attempt to rescue his son, portrayed by Utkarsh Sharma, who has been captured in Pakistan. 

Asian Games 2023: Indian football teams to leave for Hangzhou Sporting spectacle today


Image Source : TWITTER Indian football team

Asian Games 2023: Two days before the commencement of the football event at the Asian Games 2023, the Indian men’s and women’s teams will be leaving for China on Sunday. The Asian sporting carnival will be played from September 23 onwards, but the football event will get underway from September 19 along with a few other sports. There were speculations over the logistical issues with flight tickets but now it seems to have vanished away.

India’s chef de mission for the Asian Games – Bhupender Singh Bajwa confirmed that the teams will leave for Hangzhou on Sunday after the tickets were issued. “Both the teams are leaving for Hangzhou tomorrow night. Both the tickets have been issued just now (late on Saturday evening). One team is going by Cathay Pacific while the other will be departing by Singapore Airlines,” Bajwa said as quoted by PTI.

Notably, an All India Football Federation (AIFF) official remained optimistic of the teams to be sent to the Chinese city on Sunday. “There are a lot of logistics involved when contingents travel for multi-discipline sporting events and at times there can be some issues here and there. I’m not aware that the tickets have been booked but if the chef de mission is saying this, he would know better as he is the head of the Indian contingent,” the official said.

The Indian men’s team recently made crucial additions to their squad as Sandesh Jhingan, Lalchungnunga and Chinglensana Singh were included in the Hangzhou Games. “It’s a wonderful development that some experienced players have been added to the Asian Games squad, who will certainly help the cause of the team. I’m thankful to FSDL (Football Sports Development Limited, ISL organisers) and AIFF for making it happen. Whoever represents India, together we will be honoured to defend the flag,” Stimac said on the addition.

Indian men’s squad for the Asian Games:

Forwards: Sunil Chhetri, Rahim Ali, Rohit Danu, Gurkirat Singh, Aniket Jadhav

Midfielders: Amarjit Singh Kiyam, Samuel James Lyngdoh, Rahul KP, Abdul Rabeeh, Ayush Dev Chhetri, Bryce Miranda, Azfar Noorani, Vincy Barretto

Defenders: Sumit Rathi, Narender Gahlot, Deepak Tangri, Sandesh Jhingan, Chinglensana Singh, Lalchungnunga

Goalkeepers: Gurmeet Singh, Dheeraj Singh Moirangthem

Latest Sports News

ब्रिटेन जाना हुआ और महंगा, अक्टूबर से बढ़ जाएंगे आगंतुकों और छात्रों के वीजा शुल्क

Image Source : AP
लंदन (प्रतीकात्मक फोटो)

ब्रिटेन जाने का सपना देख रहे लोगों के लिए बुरी खबर है। अब किसी के लिए भी ब्रिटेन जाना और महंगा हो जाएगा। अक्टूबर से ब्रिटेन सरकार ने सभी आगंतुकों और छात्रों के लिए वीजा शुल्क में इजाफा करने का फैसला लिया है। यह फैसला किसी एक देश के लिए नहीं है, बल्कि ब्रिटेन की सरकार ने भारत समेत दुनिया भर से देश में आने वाले आगंतुकों एवं छात्रों के लिये वीजा शुल्क में बढोत्तरी करने की घोषणा की है। यह बढ़ोतरी आगामी 4 अक्टूबर से प्रभावी होगी । आगंतुकों को अब छह महीने से कम अवधि वाले दौरे के वीजा के लिए 15 पाउंड और छात्र वीजा के लिए 127 (13 हजार रुपये से ज्यादा) पाउंड अधिक खर्च करने होंगे ।

शुक्रवार को संसद में पेश किए गए अध्यादेश के बाद, ब्रिटेन के गृह विभाग ने कहा कि बदलावों का मतलब है कि छह महीने से कम समय के दौरे के वीज़ा की लागत बढ़कर 115 पाउंड हो जाएगी और छात्र वीज़ा के आवेदकों को अब 490 पाउंड (50 हजार रुपये से अधिक) खर्च करना होगा । ब्रिटेन के प्रधानमंत्री ऋषि सुनक ने जुलाई में घोषणा की थी कि देश के सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र की वेतन वृद्धि को पूरा करने के लिए वीजा आवेदकों द्वारा ब्रिटेन की वित्त पोषित राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य सेवा (एनएचएस) के लिए भुगतान की जाने वाली फीस और स्वास्थ्य अधिभार में बड़ी वृद्धि होने वाली है।

पीएम ऋषि सुनक ने पहले ही कर दिया था वीजा शुल्क बढ़ाने का ऐलान

सुनक ने उस वक्त कहा था, ‘‘हम इस देश में आने वाले प्रवासियों के वीजा के लिए आवेदन करने पर लगने वाले शुल्क को बढ़ाने जा रहे हैं। इसे वस्तुत: आव्रजन स्वास्थ्य अधिभार (आईएचएस) कहा जाता है, जो एक प्रकार का लेवी (शुल्क) है जिसका वे एनएचएस तक पहुंचने के लिए भुगतान करते हैं।’’ ब्रिटेन के गृह विभाग ने इस हफ्ते अधिकांश कार्य एवं यात्रा वीजा की लागत में 15 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि और प्राथमिकता वाले वीजा, अध्ययन वीजा और प्रायोजन के प्रमाण पत्र की लागत में कम से कम 20 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि का संकेत दिया था। शुल्क में बढ़ोतरी स्वास्थ्य और देखभाल वीजा सहित अधिकांश वीज़ा श्रेणियों पर लागू की गई है। (भाषा)

यह भी पढ़ें

स्वतंत्रता सेनानी शहीद भगत सिंह के मामले को पाकिस्तान में दोबारा खोले जाने की क्यों हुई मांग, जानें अदालत ने फिर क्या कहा

बमवर्षक विमानों के बाद रूस की किंझल मिसाइलों और युद्धपोत पर आया किम जोंग का दिल, प्रशांत बेड़े में चौंधियाई आखें

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Indians Get Real About AI In Their Jobs: Check LinkedIn’s Mind-Blowing Insights – News18


Indians are demonstrating greater curiosity and enthusiasm for the future ahead with 66% of professionals feeling they should know more about AI. (Representative image)

LinkedIn said its data shows a 21x global increase in English-language jobs mentioning new generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT.

According to a new research by professional network platform, LinkedIn, generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) innovations are prompting professionals to adapt to new ways of working in India. Over 8 in 10 professionals (81%) believe that there will be ‘significant’ change to their jobs in the next year as a result of AI.

As per the study, while this has created some uncertainty with 60% of professionals feeling overwhelmed and 39% worried that they won’t be able to keep up with AI developments sweeping through the workplace, the majority of professionals in India are willing to embrace the shift.

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Key findings of the report;

  • 7 in 10 professionals (71%) say they want to learn more about AI, even if they don’t know where to start.
  • 68% of the workforce admits to already using generative AI in their job, with 1 in 2 professionals (50%) trying out generative AI tools like ChatGPT.
  • Millennials (54%) are leading the usage of ChatGPT followed by GenZ (46%) professionals.
  • Indians are demonstrating greater curiosity and enthusiasm for the future ahead with 66% of professionals feeling they should know more about AI.

This need to appear ‘in the know’ might be stemming from the fact that 65% believe their colleagues are better versed in AI than they are, the report highlighted.

The possibilities of AI at work are endless

While the barriers are clear, Indians are optimistic that AI will positively transform their careers with 9 in 10 (98%) saying they are excited to use AI at work (98%) and believe it will help them progress their careers (97%).

LinkedIn said that its data shows a 21x global increase in English-language jobs mentioning new generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT, demonstrating that AI could be an important step for those looking to develop their career.

When asked about how they think AI will help move their career forward, 57% of professionals said it will make them more confident at work by giving them faster access to knowledge, while 43% said they’ll get a quicker promotion as they can focus on work that adds more value.

Many are already thinking of ways it can help them be more productive, with 79% planning to use AI to solve problems/overcome obstacles at work, 75% saying it will spare them their blushes as they’ll ask AI tools the questions they’re too embarrassed to ask their colleagues, and 74% saying it will take boring tasks off their plates so they can focus on work that excites them the most.

Over 7 in 10 professionals (75%) have progression on their mind as they plan to use it for career advice.

Soft skills paired with AI skills are essential for the future

Professionals believe that AI will not only boost their access to the right knowledge and skill sets they need for work, but also spotlight the irreplaceable value of their human skills in career advancement. Professionals in India think skills like problem-solving (77%), communication (76%), and creativity (76%) will become more important as AI tools become more widely used at work.

As AI can take away some of the drudgery of their daily jobs, professionals are hoping to have more job satisfaction and lead an improved quality of life. More than half of India’s workforce believes AI can make their jobs easier and therefore increase job satisfaction (55%) and help them achieve greater work-life balance (74%).

Professionals are also keen to invest their freed up time in strengthening their professional networks (45%) and learning new skills for their job (48%).

Nirajita Banerjee, editorial lead and career expert, LinkedIn India, said, “This is undoubtedly an era of change with generative AI gaining more prominence in the workplace. While getting up to speed can be challenging, it is encouraging to see people focus on the positives that AI can bring to their working lives. 9 in 10 (90%) professionals in India believe that AI will be an invisible teammate in the next 5 years and with their time freed up, many are looking to invest in themselves by learning new skills, focusing on more creative and strategic work, and growing their professional network, all which are strong career boosters.”

“It’s also clear that professionals are eager to learn more about AI. We’re seeing a significant increase in conversations on LinkedIn with members already adding AI skills to their profiles but our data also highlights the enormous value of soft skills and how imperative it is for professionals to continue leaning in on the skills they already possess, as we continue to navigate this new tech and changes ahead,” Banerjee added.

Study Methodology

LinkedIn shared the research was conducted by Censuswide and based on 2045 workers in India aged 18+ between 23.08.23 and 29.08.23. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct which is based on the ESOMAR principles.

Jio AirFiber To Launch On September 19: Check Price In India, Plans, Speed, And More

New Delhi: On September 19, 2023, Reliance Jio will roll out a brand-new wireless internet service dubbed Jio AirFiber. The service, which enables customers to play online games, stream high-definition videos, and hold video conferences without any lag, is a portable wireless internet service intended for homes and offices. It will provide speeds of up to 1.5 Gbps.

Jio AirFiber would formally launch on Ganesh Chaturthi, according to Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing director of Reliance Industries, who made the announcement during the 2023 AGM. (Also Read: PM Narendra Modi’s 73rd Birthday: Top 10 Game-Changing Policies By Prime Minister on His B’day)

Jio AirFiber: Price

Jio AirFiber is anticipated to be reasonably priced, with an estimated price of Rs 6,000. Due to the addition of a portable device unit, it could be a little more expensive than a standard broadband connection. (Also Read: From A Tiny Soda Shop To Rs 1900 Crore Empire: Read Tale Of A Self-Made Business Magnate)

Jio AirFiber: Features

Additionally, Jio AirFiber has features like parental controls, Wi-Fi 6 support, and a built-in security firewall. It’s important to remember that the Jio AirFiber service was first unveiled at the company’s 45th Annual General Meeting last year.

Now that we understand what JioFiber is and how it differs from the standard JioFiber internet connection, let’s look at how it works.

What Is Jio AirFiber?

Jio AirFiber is a brand-new wireless broadband service from Jio that offers high-speed internet connectivity using 5G technology. Users can access rates of up to 1 Gbps, which are comparable to those of typical fiber-optic connections.

Jio AirFiber provides much more than just fast internet. Parental control tools, Wi-Fi 6 support, Jio set-top box integration, and more network control are also included.




Inter Miami Feel Absence of Lionel Messi as Atlanta Rout Herons – News18


Inter Miami rested Lionel Messi and suffered their first defeat since the Argentine joined the club, with a 5-2 hammering at Atlanta United damaging their playoff hopes on Saturday.

Messi had not made the trip to Atlanta, after a busy run of games since making his Miami debut in late July.

Miami coach Gerardo ‘Tata’ Martino said after the loss that Messi and had been suffering from “muscle fatigue” and that it would have been “very reckless to bring him to play this game”.

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The 36-year-old sat out Argentina’s World Cup qualifier against Bolivia in La Paz on Tuesday but watched his teammates from the bench.

With no Messi last week, Miami defeated Sporting Kansas City 3-2 but this time it was a very different story for Martino’s team.

Miami went ahead in the 25th minute with a superbly taken goal from in-form striker Ecuadorean striker Leonardo Campana.

But the response from Atlanta, sixth in the Eastern Conference, was emphatic with three goals in the space of eight minutes.

A glancing header from French midfielder Tristan Muyamba, which struck the inside of the post, was ruled to have crossed the line by the assistant referee.

Five minutes later, Atlanta had the lead when Brazilian winger Xande Silva dribbled to the byline and his pull-back was turned into his own net by Miami defender Kamal Miller.

Miami’s defence, without former Spain international left-back Jordi Alba, was reeling and Brooks Lennon added the third in the 44th minute with a sweetly struck shot.

Miami got back in the game in the 54th minute through a Campana penalty but while they have made a habit of comebacks with Messi, there was no such revival this time.

As they pushed forward in search of an equalizer, Atlanta caught them on the counter with Greek striker Giorgos Giakoumakis slotting home his 14th goal of the season, bringing him level with Nashville’s Hany Mukhtar joint top scorer in MLS.

Another well-worked break resulted in the fifth in the 89th minute with Lobjanidze again the creator, setting up Tyler Wolff to blast home.

Miami remain next to bottom of the Eastern Conference, six points behind D.C United who occupy ninth place, the last playoff spot.

Martino defended the decision to leave Messi and Alba – who he said also had muscle fatigue – at home ahead of a busy run of games with league matches on Wednesday and Sunday before the US Open Cup final on September 27.

“We risked worse consequences if they came to play this game. It has nothing to do with the (artificial) surface,” said the coach.

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Eastern Conference leaders Cincinnati, already assured of a post-season berth, battled back for a 2-2 draw at last year’s MLS Cup runners-up the Philadelphia Union.

A Jose Martinez goal and a penalty from Daniel Gazdag had put Philadelphia in command but the impressive Aaron Boupendza pulled a goal back for Cincinnati, in the fourth minute of the second half.

The visitors grabbed a point when Boupendza found Brandon Vazquez with a magnificent low ball and the USA striker found the net.

In-form Orlando City produced an even more impressive comeback at home to Columbus, winning 4-3 after trailing 3-1.

Ramiro Enrique levelled in the 86th minute with an opportunist strike and then won the game in the seventh minute of stoppage time, taking advantage of chaos in the Crew defence.

Earlier the ‘Hudson River derby’ between New York City and New York Red Bulls ended goalless.

Later on Saturday, Los Angeles FC host cross-city rivals L.A. Galaxy in their derby.

(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed – AFP)