Musk seems to be repeating the same lesson from the tortoise hare fable that kids learn while growing up. The Tesla CEO seems to be hinting that Blue Origin and Bezos became hares and got rather complacent.
Meanwhile, Amazon recently complained to the FCC in the US that Musk and his companies don’t follow rules. In a letter to FCC, Amazon said, “The approach comes from a playbook familiar to any regulator faced with the unfortunate task of evenhandedly applying its rules to SpaceX: concede nothing, ignore rules wherever possible, and when all else fails, malign those that invoke them.”
Amazon, in the letter, made it clear that Musk-led companies do not believe rules are meant for them. “If there is anything kind to say about SpaceX’s approach, it is that it has been effective in achieving SpaceX’s goal of avoiding both the rules and any sanction for flouting them,” said Amazon.
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