After eight long weeks, Bigg Boss OTT 2 has found its winner in Elvish Yadav, while Abhishek Malhan was announced as the runner-up. The other finalists of the Salman Khan-hosted show were Manisha Rani, Bebika Dhurve and Pooja Bhatt. The YouTuber from Haryana took home the trophy and Rs 25 lakh cash prize. Interestingly, he’s the first wild card to ever win a reality show. His journey in Bigg Boss OTT 2 was hilarious and fun-filled. Elvish used the words ‘Systumm hang’ quite often making it popular among his fans.
The grand finale saw a mail-biting finish, between two successful YouTubers Abhishek Malhan and Elvish Yadav. He entered the show as a wildcard after four weeks, managed to carve a niche for himself in the house as well as among fans. Elvish had many heated arguments with Avinash Sachdev, Jiya Shankar and Falaq Naaz. However, his friendship and loyalty for Abhishek did not go unnoticed and he was loved by the fans.
Elvish Yadav’s brother and fans celebrate as YouTuber wins Bigg Boss OTT 2. Reflecting on his victorious journey, Elvish expressed, “I can’t express how much this win means to me. Having created a history by winning as wild card entry in an iconic show like Bigg Boss OTT 2, this trophy not only symbolizes the tough but also fulfilling journey we had in this house. It wasn’t simple living there, but holding this trophy makes it all worth it. The viewers’ love, support, and the unforgettable times with my fellow contestants made this victory special. It wasn’t easy, and I want to thank everyone who believed in me. This win is for all of us.”
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss OTT 2 Winner: Elvish Yadav lifts the trophy; takes home Rs 25 lakh
Elvish hails from Gurugram and has two YouTube channels with millions of subscribers and it consists of his short films. It is titled ‘Elvish Yadav Vlogs’. He is also an owner of the clothing brand, systumm_clothing. Elvish Yadav had a major showdown with Avinash Sachdev where he threatened to deal with him after the show. Also, he fought with Bebika Dhurve, and used some unsavoury words towards her, leaving Salman Khan irked, who later schooled the YouTuber in one of the Weekends ka Vaar episode.
Salman also got Elvish’s mother on the show to make him understand how to respect women. Seeing his mother, Elvish broke down, apologised to Salman and promised to mend his ways.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss OTT 2 Grand Finale: Elvish Yadav beats Abhishek Malhan, wins Salman Khan hosted show | HIGHLIGHTS
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