Vacancies in Mumbai Police touch 28% | Mumbai News – Times of India

Vacancies in Mumbai Police increased from 22% in July 2018 to 28% as of July 2022. “Inspectors and sub-inspectors play an important role during investigation. With a rise in the crime rate, there is a need to fill up all vacant posts for police personnel. This impacts the duration and quality of investigation,” said Milind Mhaske, CEO, Praja Foundation.
The control room where crime surveillance and taking note of grievances through helplines is done, had a 43% shortage of personnel as of July 2022.
Former DGP Sanjeev Dayal had passed an order in 2015 separating investigation units from those looking after law and order.
But Praja Foundation could not find any information on the separate units via RTI since 2020. “Proper implementation of the order on separate units will allow for speedy investigation of cases,” Mhaske said. There is a 34% shortage among state railway police.tnn

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