In the video, Dr. Desai says that that she usually uses cast iron or stainless steel utensils for cooking purposes. She says that nowadays nonstick and ceramic pans are found in everyone’s kitchen, but if these utensils are seen to be even slightly scratched and peeled, then cooking should not be done in it. Dr Desai says that millions of microplastic particles go into the food from such utensils. Microplastics are endocrine disruptors, which can cause hormone imbalance, fertility problems and even increase the risk of cancer. According to her, ceramic pan also has a layer of aluminium at the bottom, which can come in food and this is why one should avoid cooking in ceramic pans too! Apart from non-stick and ceramic, Dr Desai also suggests that the pan is scratched or chipped then it should be completely avoided for cooking purposes and thrown out of the house.
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It is always best to use cast iron and stainless steel pans for cooking purposes, as they are best and retain the nutrition of the food.
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