The journey of IPS Preeti Chandra exemplifies the triumph of determination and resilience in the pursuit of dreams. Starting with aspirations of becoming...
New Delhi: Dadasaheb Bhagat’s inspiring story is a testament to an individual’s effort and determination to overcome hurdles and a lack of resources, ultimately...
Meet Shraddha Khapra, the young sensation known as the "Microsoft Didi" or "Shraddha Didi," whose remarkable journey has captivated hearts and minds. Hailing...
Sabeer Bhatia Success Story: Nobody could have predicted that an unassuming young man from an upper-middle-class household in India would become a global...
NEW DELHI: In the dynamic landscape of the corporate world, the influence of Indian-origin CEOs continues to surge, with their impactful contributions spanning...
New Delhi: Wipro, a name synonymous with innovation and progress, has undergone a remarkable transformation from its humble beginnings as a family-run vegetable oil...
New Delhi: Arch-rival of Google Maps, MapMyIndia clocked ₹282 crore revenue in FY23, including ₹108 crore profit after tax (PAT) and an EBITDA margin...
Overcoming challenges, a tribal girl student hailing from a remote village in the Kothagudem district has displayed remarkable academic prowess and secured admission...