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Tag: plant based diet

Thinking Of Switching To A Plant-Based Diet? 10 Important FAQs

The plant-based diet is all the rage in town, and those who are aware of the benefits of loading their plates with more...

Improved Heart Health To Enhanced Longevity: 8 Health Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet

In recent years, the popularity of plant-based diets has surged, driven by concerns about health, the environment, and animal welfare. This dietary choice...

Time To Switch To Plant-Based Diet? Legumes To Nuts – Foods To Include, Pros & Cons: Nutritionist Speaks

A plant-based diet has created a lot of buzz in recent times and while it's still not as big in India as in...

High Cholesterol Level: Do plant-based diets help in lowering high cholesterol levels? – Times of India | – Times of India

Whether plant-based diets help in lowering cholesterol or not continues to remain one of the debatable topics in medical science. The growing number...

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