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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Tag: Heart Health

Spicing Up Health: Nutritional Benefits Hidden In Your Spice Rack, Expert Shares Tips For Good Health

Indian food is famous for its elaborate spice blends, which give each dish a distinct flavor signature and also provide a variety of...

Heart Health: What Is The Effect Of Daily Supplements On The Body? Expert Shares All About Heart Care

In the pursuit of fitness and vitality, many individuals turn to supplements, seeking to enhance their exercise routines or athletic performance. However, these...

World Heart Day 2023: Shifting Perspective From Protection To Prevention – Expert Speaks

World Heart Day is observed on September 29 every year with the aim of raising awareness about heart health and cardiovascular diseases and...

World Heart Day 2023: Here’s all you need to know about history and significance – Times of India

World Heart Day is observed annually on September 29th to raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and promote heart-healthy lifestyles worldwide. Here's a...

Almonds Can Help You Lose Weight And Improve Heart Health, Says Study

The study was published in the journal Obesity. When it comes to weight reduction, nuts often get a poor rap: while they're high...

Unhealthy Snacks May Increase Risk Of Stroke And Heart Diseases: Study

The researchers discovered that just half of the people matched the nutritional value of their meals and snacks. This disparity has a detrimental...

Yoga Asanas For A Strong Heart: 7 Poses To Practice Daily

Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, is well-known for its myriad of physical and mental health benefits. Over the years, it has...

Improved Heart Health To Enhanced Longevity: 8 Health Benefits Of Plant-Based Diet

In recent years, the popularity of plant-based diets has surged, driven by concerns about health, the environment, and animal welfare. This dietary choice...

Blood Sugar Management To Boosting Heart Health: Amazing Health Benefits Of Anjeer

Have you ever tried something so good it feels like a gift from nature? Anjeer also known as dried figs aren’t just delicious,...

Chronic Stress And Heart Health: Expert Explains Stress Management Techniques

In our fast-paced world, the silent assailant of chronic stress has become an ever-present concern, with repercussions that extend beyond mental well-being. A...

Childhood Inactivity May Cause Heart Attack, Strokes Later In Life: Study

No activity for hours during childhood could be setting the stage for heart attacks and strokes later in life, a new study said...

Lack Of Sleep Associated With Heart Diseases In Long Term: Research

It is a mistake to think that sleeping in on weekends will make up for not getting enough sleep during the week due...

Breastfeeding Reduces Risk Of Heart Problems In Mothers: Study

Breastfeeding for six months or more appears to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems developing in mothers for at least three years after...

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