Coronavirus vaccine

Sputnik Light Coronavirus Vaccine | COVID vaccine Sputnik Light receives phase III trial approvals: How does Sputnik Light differ from Sputnik V?Sputnik Light Coronavirus Vaccine | COVID vaccine Sputnik Light receives phase III trial approvals: How does Sputnik Light differ from Sputnik V?

Sputnik Light Coronavirus Vaccine | COVID vaccine Sputnik Light receives phase III trial approvals: How does Sputnik Light differ from Sputnik V?

Sputnik Light is a newer, different vaccine , which has been developed by Russia's Gamaleya Institute in collaboration with RDIF.…

3 years ago
Clinical trial of Umifenovir proves successful in treating COVIDClinical trial of Umifenovir proves successful in treating COVID

Clinical trial of Umifenovir proves successful in treating COVID

Image Source : PTI/ REPRESENTATIONAL. Clinical trial of Umifenovir proves successful in treating COVID. The Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI)…

3 years ago
Coronavirus | Hybrid Immunity: What is ‘hybrid immunity’? Should people who had COVID-19 still get their vaccine shot? Find outCoronavirus | Hybrid Immunity: What is ‘hybrid immunity’? Should people who had COVID-19 still get their vaccine shot? Find out

Coronavirus | Hybrid Immunity: What is ‘hybrid immunity’? Should people who had COVID-19 still get their vaccine shot? Find out

People who have previously been infected with the SARs-COV-2 virus may develop a certain level of immunity against the deadly…

3 years ago