Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel’s latest offering Gadar 2 was released on Friday, August 11. The sequel came after a long gap of 22 years and it has not disappointed fans. The film has already minted over Rs 80 crore in just two days and is set to cross the Rs 100 crore mark on Sunday. With the Independence Day holiday on Tuesday, the film is expected to perform well and cross the Rs 200 crore mark easily by the end of its first week.
In an exclusive talk with Times Now, the lead star Sunny Deol spoke about the film and expressed his happiness about its success. He said, ”I am indeed very happy. When we did the second part of Gadar, we never knew it would be so loved by the audience. Two whole generations have gone by since we did the first Gadar. And still, people are as excited as they were the first time. I am amazed and very very happy. We need some hits to keep the film industry on its feet.”
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Despite facing competition from the Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi-starrer OMG 2, the film managed to outshine and give the same super hit performance as its original. On this, the actor said, ”Yes, I know. its God’s blessing and the love of the people.”
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About the film
Directed by Anil Sharma, the film stars Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel, and Utkarsh Sharma reprising their roles from the OG film. The sequel continues with the story of Tara Singh and Sakina post-Independence. During the ‘Crush India’ campaign in 1971, their son gets imprisoned in Pakistan, leaving no choice for Tara Singh to travel to the neighbouring country and rescue his son.
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