IOSIS Wellness Chairperson Kiran Bawa issued a statement clarifying that Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty and her mother Sunanda Shetty ‘have no connection’ with her fitness chain. Taking to her Instagram handle, she released a statement after the reports of Shilpa and her mother being booked in a fraud case in Lucknow went viral. It was reported that a team of Lucknow Police was expected to be in Mumbai to question Shilpa and her mother Sunanda in the alleged fraud case in the name of a wellness centre.
Clarifying the same, Kiran said that the ‘defamatory content’ is causing damage to her brand’s goodwill. “This is pertaining to news articles, various videos and posts and social media which is unfortunately gaining unnecessary and unwarranted uproar. I am addressing this post as a responsible person, being the Chairperson of IOSIS Spa & Wellness Private Limited and therefore, request people to please verify and confirm the facts before posting and sharing it on social media or on such other platforms,” the statement read.
“Ms. Shilpa Shetty and her mother Ms. Sunanda Shetty have no connection with IOSIS. We have parted ways amicable long ago. Hence, a please stop spreading rumours and aspersions. Iam a single parent and a hardworking professional. IOSIS is my baby and a brand I have built over the years. I am more than happy to verify facts with the concerned authorities. Till then I humbly request you to remove these posts as the matter is sub Judice in the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay where we have orders in our favour,” Kiran added in her statement.
Earlier in the day, IANS reported that two FIRs have been registered at Hazratganj and Vibhuti Khand police stations in Lucknow and the police has now intensified the investigation in both cases.
According to police officials, Shilpa Shetty runs a fitness chain named Iosis Wellness Centre. The chairman of this company is Shilpa Shetty, while her mother Sunanda is the director. It was alleged that Shilpa Shetty and her mother took crores of rupees from two people in the name of opening a branch of the wellness centre, but the promise was not fulfilled.
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