Shah Rukh Khan’s next big release Jawan is still more than a month away from premiering in theatres but the craze among his fans is building by each day. Recently, the makers unveiled the first song of the film titled Zinda Banda and it has already created havoc on the internet. In just 24 hours of its release, the song made a record and garnered over 46 million views on YouTube. With this feat, the song has now become the biggest song on YouTube in 2023. Red Chillies Entertainment took to its social media accounts to share the achievement with the fans and wrote ”Taking the internet by storm! Thank you for all the love.”
Soon after the post was shared on Instagram, fans started commenting on it. One user wrote ”All good but anirudh pls don’t sing for srk. Vocal not suit for him.” ”this is Shah Rukh Khan’s world and we are just living in it,” wrote another. A third user commented ”Ye sharuk Khan he kuch bhi ho sakta hai.”
About the song
The song was released by its makers on Monday in three different languages including Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. In Hindi, the song is titled Zinda Banda, in Tamil Vandha Edam, and in Telugu Dhumme Dhulipelaa. The figure of 46 million in just one day excludes the views from social media and audio streaming platforms.
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About the film
Jawan is directed by Atlee Kumar, who is known for directing popular projects including Theri and Mersal. The film also features Vijay Sethupathi, Deepika Padukone, and Nayanthara in key roles. It is slated to release on September 11 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
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