Amid chants of ‘Ganpati bappa morya, pudchya varshi lavkar yaa’, beats of dhols, colourful processions and a sky full of fireworks, thousands of devotees from Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai region gave a tearful but grand farewell to their beloved Lord Ganesha and Goddess Gauri on the fifth day of Ganeshotsav. Devotees immersed their Ganpati idols after performing the last aarti of the season and sought his blessings. The immersion took place across several spots in the city and the MMR region, including Worli village, Juhu Chowpatty, Turbhe pond, Kopri creek ghat, and Upvan lake. The civic bodies have also created several artificial ponds in order to avoid inconvenience and crowd amid Covid-19. ― KK Choudhary (TOI)
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