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Wednesday, June 26, 2024


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Pakistan Kuch Nahi Kar Sakta: Hizbul Terrorists Brother Waves Tiranga In J&K, Watch Viral Video

New Delhi: Ahead of the 2023 Independence Day celebrations, Rayees Mattoo, the brother of the active terrorist Javed Mattoo, was observed proudly waving the Indian national flag, known as the Tiranga. Javed Mattoo, also identified by aliases Faisal, Saqib, and Musaib, is associated with the Hizbul Mujahideen terror group and is listed as one of the top 10 targets in the valley by security agencies.

Rayees Mattoo expressed that his gesture was heartfelt and not influenced by external pressures. He also extended an appeal to his brother to reconsider his path, highlighting the positive developments in the region. Criticizing Pakistan, he emphasized, “We have always identified as Indians and will continue to do so.”

Speaking with conviction, Rayees Mattoo stated, “I waved the Tiranga with genuine emotion. This act was driven by my personal feelings, devoid of any external influence. Our land, India, is superior to the entire world. We, its inhabitants, are akin to the nightingales of this beautiful garden. Progress and advancements are evident. This 14th of August is unique, as my shop, which would typically remain closed for 2-3 days, is open. Earlier political manoeuvres hindered our progress… My brother embraced this path in 2009, and since then, we have been out of touch with him… If he is still alive, I urge him to reconsider and return. The circumstances have transformed, rendering Pakistan powerless… We were, are, and will continue to be true Indians.”

WATCH Rayees Mattoo Waving Tiranga At His House In J&K’s Sopore




Simultaneously, the family of another Hizbul Mujahideen operative, Mudassir Hussain, took part in the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to unfurl the national flag before Independence Day. This event took place at their residence in the border district of Kishtwar, located within the Jammu region.

Hussain’s father, Tariq, acknowledged his son’s misguided choices, remarking, “My son has ventured onto the wrong path. We implore the government to help locate him.” He further stated, “Our home proudly bears the national flag, and we aspire for every household to follow suit.”

Hussain’s mother expressed her yearning for her son to come back and surrender to the security forces. She shared, “We have made considerable efforts to ascertain his whereabouts, but regrettably, we have been unsuccessful. We beseech the Army to assist us in locating him, as we earnestly wish for his return.”

Hussain, a highly sought-after terrorist in the Union territory, carries a reward of Rs 20 lakh on his head as per police records. In his address on Friday, Prime Minister Modi urged citizens to participate in the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ initiative between August 13 and 15.

Significantly, large-scale ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ rallies were organized as part of the 77th Independence Day festivities in Jammu and Kashmir. Local residents actively participated in these rallies, fostering a sense of patriotism and national pride in each household across the region.

Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha, while addressing the media on Sunday, remarked, “The youth of J&K are dedicated to realizing the Prime Minister’s vision of transforming India into a developed nation by 2047. As the nation achieves development, J&K’s contribution will be at par with other states.”

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