After Shagufta Ali, veteran actress Savita Bajaj has sought financial help to cover her medical bills. The actress has been seen in many films like Beta Ho Toh Aisa, Nazrana, Nishant and other. She claims that she is in dire need of money as her ‘savings have dried up’ and she is suffering from major breathing issues. Talking to TOI, the actress revealed that she is surviving on what she gets from the writers’ association and CINTAA (Cine and Television Artiste’s Association).
Savita Bajaj said, “My savings have dried up. I have spent all the money on my failing health. I have developed serious breathing issues and don’t know how I will manage now.”
She added, “The writers’ association had helped me with rupees one lakh in 2016 after I was hospitalised following an accident. CINTAA, too, had helped me with `50,000. But today, I am not in a condition to work owing to my poor health. I have every intention to pay back the money once I resume work, but right now, I’m not in a condition to work due to my poor health. Sadly, I have nobody who can take care of me today. Around 25 years ago, I had decided to move back to my hometown, Delhi, but no one in my family wanted to keep me. I have earned a lot, helped those in need, but today I need help.”
Savira Bajaj is a National School of Drama (NSD) alumi and have been a part of TV shows like Kavach, Maayka and Nukkad. She also suggested that an old-age home should be made for veteran actors like her who do not have anyone and are not fit to work.
She added, “I want someone to build an old age home for actors like me who are on their own. I don’t have my own home in Mumbai even after working for so many years. I live on rent in a one room kitchen in Malad. I pay `7,000 as rent. I didn’t want to ask for money, but it’s going to be difficult for me to manage now.”
Earlier, Shagufta Ali had revealed that she is suffering financially and has even sold her car and jewellery to run her home. Soon after the team of Dance Deewane 3 gave Rs 5 lakh to the actress.
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