Actor Jacqueline Fernandez, along with her YOLO Foundation, has been working round-the-clock to offer help to the ones in need in the COVID-19 pandemic. The actor recently shared pictures of her feeding stray animals that might have been abandoned due to the lockdown norms. Taking to her Instagram handle, Jacqueline said, “Big shout out and thank you to @droolsindia for donating food and joining me and my team @jf.yolofoundation to feed thousands of stray animals around the country. Team @jf.yolofoundation and myself have been actively volunteering at animal shelters around Mumbai to understand the plight of strays animals everywhere and it has truly been heartbreaking.”
“I want to thank and appreciate all those who come forth and work towards making a difference to their lives #bekind @thefelinefoundation @wsdindia,” she added. Recently, the actor also donated face masks and safety shields to Mumbai Police, and Pune Police.
Jacqueline had set up the ‘You Only Live Once’ foundation in collaboration with several NGOs that cater to the different needs in society amid the pandemic.
Recently the actress revealed the first look poster from her forthcoming horror comedy film “Bhoot Police”. Jacqueline plays a character named Kanika. “Laaton ke Bhoot baaton se nahi maante! Meet the fabulous KANIKA in #BhootPolice. Coming soon on @disneyplushotstarvip,” she wrote as caption.
Take a look:
The Pavan Kirpalani directorial also features actors Arjun Kapoor, Yami Gautam, Jacqueline Fernandez and Saif Ali Khan in the lead. Earlier the makers released the posters of Arjun Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan.
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Meanwhile, Jacqueline Fernandez has her kitty full with some interesting projects like, ‘Cirkus’, ‘Kick 2’, ‘Ram Setu’, ‘Attack’ and ‘Bachchan Pandey’.
-with ANI inputs