New Delhi: A day after a meeting with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, veteran actor Rajinikanth on Sunday met Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav at the latter’s residence in Lucknow. Yadav shared a series of photos from the meeting with Rajinikanth on his social media accounts and said in Hindi ‘jab dil milte hain toh log gale milte hain (when hearts meet, people hug). It was an apparent dig at Yogi Adityanath as the 72-year-old star had taken UP CM’s blessings by touching his feet on Saturday.
“During my engineering studies in Mysore, the happiness I used to feel seeing Rajinikanth ji on the screen is still intact. We met in person 9 years back and have been friends ever since?” Akhilesh Yadav captioned his post.
Rajinikanth, who is basking in the success of his latest film ‘Jailer’, said he was happy to reconnect with Yadav, whom he called his friend, after almost a decade.
“Nine years ago, I had met Akhilesh at a function in Mumbai. Since then, our friendship has continued, and we talk over the phone. I had come here five years ago for a shooting, but Akhilesh was not there, and I could not meet him. He is here now and I met him,” he told reporters.
Rajinikanth reached Lucknow on Friday to promote his film ‘Jailer’, which hit the screens on August 10.
Earlier on Saturday, he met Yogi Adityanath and said his meeting with the UP CM was ‘very good’.
Rajinikanth also watched ‘Jailer’ along with Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya at a mall on Shaheed Path in Lucknow.
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