External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Friday addressed the India-Japan Forum in New Delhi in the presence of his Japanese counterpart FM Yoshi Hayashi. While addressing the event, he touched upon the India-US defence deal, saying it was not India but the United States which hesitated to supply military equipment to us for many many years.
“Two of the most important outcomes of PM Modi’s US visit- One was the agreement between GE aerospace and HAL for the manufacture of GE414 engine. The other was the plan to acquire high-altitude UAVs from the US and assemble them in India…It was not we who had a problem in dealing with military equipment with United States. It was the United States which hesitated to supply us for many many years. We have always been open to getting the best possible options for our military,” he added.
Here are highlights of Jaishankar’s speech on India-Japan ties
(With ANI inputs)
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