New Delhi: The Himachal Pradesh Board Of School Education (HPBoSE) announced Class 12 board results today (July 14). Students can check their scores on the official site of the board at Around 1.3 lakh students had registered for the Class 12 exam this year.
Among those who appeared for the HP Class 12 board exams, 92.77% have passed. Pushpendra, a student from Kullu, bagged the top position with a full score of 500/500 marks.
The Class 10 and 12 board exams were cancelled this year in view of the COVID-19 situation. The evaluation criteria was based on the performance of students in Classes 10, 11, and 12.
The students can also check their results on alternative websites including,, and
1. Visit the official website of HP Board at
2. On the homepage, go to the ‘Student’s Corner’ and select ‘Result’ option
3. Click on the link to check HP Board Class 12 Result 2021. A new page will open
4. Enter your credentials and login. The HPBOSE 12th result 2021 will be displayed on the screen
Download the HP Board Class 12 Result 2021 and take its printout for reference in future.
The students not satisfied with their final results can apply for a written exam only for the major subjects after conducive situation.
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