Generation-next Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan made her impressive movie debut with Abhishek Kapur’s Kedarnath opposite late Sushant Singh Rajput and ever since has been making waves. She played a small-town girl in movies including Kedarnath, Atrangi Re, and Zara Hatke Zara Bachke – which got her rave reviews and a new title of the ‘New Desi Girl’ in town. As we are celebrating Hindi Diwas today, let’s have a look at the 6 instances where the actress stole hearts with her impeccable Hindi.
Sara Ali Khan has always felt connected to her roots, and she celebrates the heartland of India. The actress has visited the holy temple of Amarnath and she visits it just like a common man and also enjoys the beauty of the place.
Sara Ali Khan’s ability to connect with the masses in the remotest areas of the nation is what makes her a distinctive actress of this generation, and the audience’s love for her is unwavering. A perfect example of it was witnessed when Sara Ali Khan visited the town of Rajasthan earlier this year to promote her Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, and the audiences of the town went berserk over her and welcomed her with open arms.
Sara Ali Khan’s love for the mother tongue has been seen many times. A few months ago, Sara shared a push-up challenge video on her social media where she was seen speaking fluent Hindi and having command over the language.
Sara Ali Khan’s off-screen and on-screen personas are similar. The leading actress chose to remain real everywhere she went. In recent years, the actress has shared a video on social media in which she is seen eating, singing, and enjoying her own company.
Sara Ali Khan always remains in a fun mood, and the actress likes to enjoy a fun and joyous mood. The actress posted the video from her promotional diaries for Atrangi Re, where she is seen dancing, having fun, and cheering up with the various celebrities.
Recently, the actress graced the cover of the leading magazine Vogue India. With Sara on the cover, the magazine went Desi and used the Devanagari font for her name.
Happy Hindi Day, peeps!
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