Categories: बिजनेस

From Cosmetics To Profit Goldmine: Earn Upto Rs 17.41 Lakh By Investing Just Rs 2.48 Lakh, Check This Business Idea

New Delhi: If you are an aspiring entrepreneurs and looking to tap into a business that gives substantial profits there is a golden opportunity for you. The business that we are talking about, swings both for customers in the cosmetic and health segment. We shall discuss about the thriving market potential of Aloe Vera Gels.

The widespread popularity of Aloe Vera has led to its inclusion in a diverse range of cosmetic products, from luxurious night creams to rejuvenating soaps, revitalizing shampoos, sun-kissed suntan lotions, and gentle cleansers. Aloe Vera is also renowned for its remarkable healing and restorative properties. Aloe Vera has found its place not only in the cosmetics and toiletries industry but also in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. 

Aloe vera gel, derived from the leaves of this miracle plant, stands as a highly coveted product with significant demand both among consumers and in various industrial applications.

According to the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) Project Profile, the Aloevera Gel Manufacturing unit will have the following cost

COST OF PROJECT For Aloevera Gel Manufacturing 

Land Own/Rented

Building /Shed 500 Sq ft: Rs 2 lakh

Plant & Machinery: Rs 18 lakh

Furniture & Fixtures: Rs 1.50 lakh

Working Capital: Rs 3.33 lakh

Total: Rs 24.83 lakh

MEANS OF FINANCE For Aloevera Gel Manufacturing 

Own Contribution: Rs 2.48 lakh

Working Capital(Finance): Rs 3.00 lakh

Term Loan: Rs 19.35 lakh

Total: Rs 24.83 lakh

According to the KVIC project report, you can expect a gross sales of Rs 66.38 lakh, Rs 77.87 lakh, Rs 88.97 lakh, Rs 1.06 crore, and Rs 1.12 crore, in Ist Year, IInd Year, IIrd, Year, IVth Year And Vth year respectively.

KVIC has also suggested a net profit of Rs 5.26 lakh, Rs 7.36 lakh, Rs 10.13 lakh, Rs 13.53 lakh, and Rs 17.41 lakh in Ist Year, IInd Year, IIrd, Year, IVth Year And Vth year respectively.

(Disclaimer: This article is for sole information purpose and for readers’ project identification. The earning calculator is also mostly based on assumptive figures to give an example of certain type as mentioned by KVIC previous estimates. The Zee News article does not intend to give any financial advice of any sorts. For initiating any venture, you must do your own due diligence and market research.)


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