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Digestive System: Yoga poses and techniques for a strong digestive system | – Times of India

Yoga for healthy digestion

The intricate and complex functioning of the human body is sustained by the nourishment derived from food. For optimal organ functionality and vibrant health, the digestive process takes on a paramount role. At its core, digestion is the transformative process through which proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water are harnessed from our sustenance. These nutrients are meticulously broken down, making them absorbable for vital energy, growth, and cellular rejuvenation.
In the pursuit of fortified digestive health, the combination of yoga asanas and specific mudras emerges as a powerful ally. These intricate techniques kindle the process of cleansing, ignite stimulation, and proactively foster robust digestive function.

Yoga asanas for digestive health

Pushan mudra: Steering upper and lower GI balance

For those with upper gastrointestinal issues, such as reflux and belching, the Pushan Mudra extends its healing embrace. The ritual involves joining the tips of the index and middle fingers to the thumb, while the ring and little fingers remain gently extended. The palm adopts an inviting upward orientation. In contrast, individuals navigating lower GI troubles, encompassing issues like bloating, gas, or constipation, engage the ring and little fingers’ tips with the thumb. The index and middle fingers extend elegantly, mirroring the palm’s upward gaze.
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, yoga guru, founder, Akshar Yoga Kendraa says, “Complementing this, the Apana Mudra, a left-hand mudra, further deepens the digestive healing. Start by bringing together fusing the tips of the middle and ring fingers with the thumb, and allowing the index and little fingers to be free. Pressing the fingertips against the thumb during inhalation and release upon exhalation for a calming effect on the mind and the body.”

Vajrasana – Thunderbolt Pose

Starting from a standing position, lower your knees onto the mat, placing your pelvis on your heels with toes pointed outward. Keep your heels close together and avoid stacking the right and left toes on top of each other. Place your palms on your knees, facing up.

Padahasthasana – Hand to Foot Pose

Begin from the Samasthithi position, exhale, and gently bend your upper body, lowering your head while keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed. Aim to touch your forehead to your legs, but only go as far as you feel comfortable, especially if you’re a beginner. Place your palms on the sides of your feet and try to move your torso from your hip joints, keeping your legs and knees straight.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Kneel on the mat, bringing your heels together. Inhale and raise your arms above your head, then exhale and bend your upper body forward, placing your forehead on the floor. Your pelvis should rest on your heels, and avoid rounding your back.

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