Days after the Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) arrested two terrorists of the Al Qaeda-supported Ansar Ghazwatul Hind from the outskirts of Lucknow, their sinisters plans have been revealed. The terrorists identified as Minhaz Ahmad and Maseeruddin were planning to execute attacks using e-rickshaws, UP ATS has said.
Reports say the duo was planning to “unleash terror activities” on August 15 in different cities of the state, including Lucknow. The terrorists were planning to execute serial blasts in Lucknow and other densely-populated cities on the occasion of Independence Day. The terrorists had a crafted plan to plant bombs in crowded areas, including markets with a heavy footfall in the state.
Terrorists were looking for an unregistered e-rickshaw for the blast. Musheer was engaged in contacting the e-rickshaw drivers and owners without registration and had conversations with 16 such people.
The terrorists were planning to execute their plan in such a way that even after their deadly acts, investigating agencies wouldn’t have been able to trace the owner of vehicles used in the attack.
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Terrorist Minhaj is not fully cooperating with investigating agencies, however, the ATS is trying to recover deleted videos and emails that could lead to important information.
Officials say Minhaj and Masiruddin have deleted many videos and emails from their mobiles, although their mobile phones have been sent to the forensic lab to recover the deleted data if possible.
ATS officers say that crucial information related to terrorists will be available if videos, photos and emails are recovered. It is also believed that many more contacts of both terrorists could be revealed from these emails.
Two ATS officers, who are interrogated terror suspects Minhaj and Musheer separately, have found contradictions in statements. The two were confronted by officials on various questions.
Minhaj was asked about phone numbers saved in his mobile but he could not give a satisfactory answer. There were also some text messages about which Minhaj kept confusing the officers about them too.
ALSO READ | Big I-Day terror plot foiled: Al Qaeda terrorists were planning to use ‘human bombs’ in Lucknow, other cities
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